Swaprava Nath (pronunciation)
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay and an associated faculty member of Centre for Machine Intelligence and Data Science (CMInDS) and IITB Trust Lab. Previously, I was a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Even before, I spent two beautiful stints as postdoc at the Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University and at the Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi. I did my PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Automation, at the mesmerizing campus of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. My research interest lies at the intersection of Economics and Computation, that has applications in Internet economics, crowdsourcing, resource allocation, online advertising, auctions, matching, social networks, and many more. To know more about my research, please see the research page, and to know about our research group, see the group page.
Prospective students:
I'm always looking for enthusiastic and self-motivated students for my group. If you are a student and want to work with me, please read this first.