Presentation Template

Here is a presentation template for equation-heavy slides, here are the source codes (can be uploaded to overleaf for collaborative editing).


At IIT Bombay



CS217(240): Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

This course is an undergraduate introductory course on artificial intelligence and machine learning (AIML). The goal is to introduce the fundamental concepts from a mathematical viewpoint. The lab counterpart of the course puts these concepts into practice.

CS6001: Game Theory and Algorithmic Mechanism Design

This course gives a broad overview of game theory and mechanism design, and discusses important problems at the interface of economics and computer science. The course is also accessible from outside IIT Bombay with the same content being offered via NPTEL. If you are interested, you may consider checking out this link.


CS6002: Selected Areas of Mechanism Design

This is a research-focused course on Mechanism Design and is a natural sequel to the introductory course CS6001: Game Theory and Algorithmic Mechanism Design. It is aimed at the students who want to pursue research in mechanism design and its applications. This course will discuss some of the cutting-edge advances in the area and will also have a seminar component where the students will be encouraged to read research papers, extend either the theoretical or experimental components, and present it to the class. The seminar component requires to write a term paper which is a training for writing research papers.

CS6001: Game Theory and Algorithmic Mechanism Design

This course gives a broad overview of game theory and mechanism design, and discusses important problems at the interface of economics and computer science. The course is also accessible from outside IIT Bombay with the same content being offered via NPTEL. If you are interested, you may consider checking out this link.

The videolectures of the entire course is now available as a playlist on the following channel.

At IIT Kanpur

CS711: Introduction to Game Theory and Mechanism Design

This course gives a broad overview of game theory and mechanism design, and discusses important problems at the interface of economics and computer science.This course is now superseded by CS 6001 above.

CS712: Selected Areas of Mechanism Design

This course deals with some selected advanced topics of mechanism design. This is a more research-oriented course and has both lecture and seminar sessions. A prerequisite for this course is CS711. This course is now superseded by CS 6002 above.

CS425: Computer Networks

This CS departmental elective course introduces the fundamentals of computer networking.

ESC101: Fundamentals of Computing

This institute core course introduces all undergraduates students of IIT Kanpur to the fundamentals of computer programming.

Guest lectures in ESC101: A short course on Python

This course introduces the basics of python programming and helps building blocks for scientific computing. The goal is to equip the students with a tool that can help check ideas computationally in a minimum amount of time and effort.

At ISI Delhi

Comp271: Scientific Computing using Python

Algorithms and programming course for masters students in quantitative economics -- offered at ISI Delhi, Aug-Nov, 2014.




  • Aasheesh Dixit, PhD student, IIM Lucknow, 2017 - 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Suresh Jakhar). First position: Lecturer of Operations Management at IMT Business School, Dubai
  • Garima Shakya, PhD student, CSE, IITK, 2017 - 2021. First position: Postdoc in the group of Makoto Yokoo at Kyushu University, Japan.
  • Anurag Maithani, MTech (CSE, IIT Kanpur), graduated 2021.
  • Nivedita Shukla, BS-MS (ECO, IIT Kanpur), co-advising with Prof. Wasim Ahmad, graduated 2021.
  • Rahul Bhatta, (thesis supervised, title: "Strategyproof Voting with Cardinal Preferences") Master of Science in Quantitative Economics (MSQE), Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, 2015.

  • Undergraduate

  • Deepesh Lall, BTech student, CSE, IITK, 2017 - 2021
  • Jatin Jindal, BTech student, CSE, IITK, 2016 - 2019
  • Jay Gupta, BS student, ECO, IITK, 2017 - 2018
  • Somu Prajapati, BTech student, CSE, IITK 2018 - 2019
  • Ayushi Gupta, BTech student, CHE, IITK, 2018 - 2019
  • Piyush Bagad, Graduated April 2019. [First position: Wadhwani AI]
  • Sachin K. Salim, Graduated April 2018. [First position: Adobe India]
  • Aditya Aradhye, Summer Intern from Chennai Mathematical Institute, supervised at Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, 2015.
  • Academic and Professional Activities

    Useful links

  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes
  • Conference deadlines: local spreadsheet, ETH Zurich link, Jackie Tseng link
  • Find the Tex command: Detexify
  • Softwares and Scripts

    Gurobi is an excellent tool for optimization. What's better is that they offer a free academic license. The setting up is a bit complicated though, hope this writeup helps.

    Reviewing Service

  • Senior Program Committee, AAAI 2022.
  • Program Committee, IJCAI 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, EC 2018, 2019, COMSOC 2016, WINE 2012, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020, SAGT 2021, AAAI 2021.
  • Reviewer, Math. Soc. Sci. 2016
  • Organizer/Co-organizer

    Computational Social Choice Theory Workshop (part of the conference Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), 2017), IIT Kanpur.

    10th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, December 2014

    Student co-organizer

    The Fourth Electrical Sciences Divisional Symposium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, January 31 - February 1, 2013.

    Teaching Assistant

  • Algorithms and Programming, August - December, 2012. (Level: Undergraduate).
  • Game Theory, January - April, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. (Level: Graduate).
  • Linear Algebra, August - December, 2010. (Level: Graduate).
  • Mathematical Foundations for Modern Computing, January - April, 2011. (Level: Graduate).