Goal of the course
This course is an undergraduate introductory course on artificial intelligence and machine learning (AIML). The goal is to introduce the fundamental concepts from a mathematical viewpoint. The lab counterpart of the course puts these concepts into practice. The course is broadly divided into four components:
- Optimization: this component is a quick refresher on optimization, in particular, linear and convex programming.
- Single-agent AI: machine learning: this component considers the machine learning problem in detail. It covers supervised and unsupervised learning including neural networks.
- Multi-agent AI: game theory: this component takes a different viewpoint on the learning problem and predicts the outcome when multiple agents have different objectives/goals, leading to the solution concept being one of "equilibrium" rather than "optimal".
- Additional topics: this section considers classical AI topics of search, dynamic programming, A*, etc., and Markov decision problems, i.e., the foundation of reinforcement learning.
Tentative plan of the course (subject to change, requires LDAP).